Other Lighthouses That Don’t Look Like Lighthouses
Is that a lighthouse? To the untrained eye, the first one looks like a very tall column tapering to the top with an old-fashioned looking streetlight at the top. Let

Lighthouse Oil Myths & Folklore
What Lighthouse Keepers Did Not Do! The period of automation of lighthouses across the United States, naturally coinciding with the introduction of electricity to light stations, not only reduced the

Why Fall is the Perfect Time to Visit the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse & Historic Pacetti Hotel Museum
If you’re looking for the ideal season to explore the treasures of Florida’s rich history, fall stands out as the best time to visit the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse and the

Ponce Inlet Lighthouse & The Pacetti Hotel Museum Celebrate Labor Day
This Labor Day, walk in the shoes of pioneers, hotellers, lighthouse keepers, and their families doing housekeeping, chores, children’s tasks and games!

In The Spirit Of ’45 Day With Speakers, Special Events, Kids Crafts
The National Historic Landmark Ponce Inlet Lighthouse and Museum welcomes all to celebrate the NATIONAL SPIRIT OF’45 DAY Saturday, August 17, 2024 from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. with speakers, docent-led workshops,
Ponce Inlet Lighthouse Celebrates National Lighthouse Day August 10 With Speakers, Workshops, Special Events, and Kids Crafts
The National Historic Landmark Ponce Inlet Lighthouse and Museum welcomes all to celebrate National Lighthouse Day at the lighthouse, Saturday, August 10, from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. with a