The Ponce Inlet Lighthouse is pleased to offer a designated area of its beautiful historic grounds for smaller, intimate wedding ceremonies consisting of 50 guests or less. Choosing such a unique site for your ceremony will provide a dramatic and lasting memory for you and your guests to cherish forever.
The Ponce De Leon Light Station is one of the last, complete, and authentic lighthouse facilities remaining in the nation, and is one of only ten light stations in the country to have earned the prestigious designation of National Historic Landmark. Standing at a soaring 175-feet, the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse is the State’s tallest beacon and the perfect backdrop for a small intimate wedding ceremony.
Since its founding in 1972, the Ponce De Leon Inlet Lighthouse Preservation Association has been committed to the preservation and dissemination of the social and maritime history associated with the Light Station, and to educating the public about its important role in national, state, and local history since its completion in 1887. Open to the public year-round, the site is now home to numerous lighthouses, maritime, and regional history exhibits including one of the largest collections of rare Fresnel lenses in the world.
Having the honor and distinction of being designated a National Historic Landmark; the Ponce De Leon Inlet Lighthouse is truly a unique and memorable place to hold a wedding ceremony. However, because of its very designation as a landmark, some rules and regulations might prove prohibitive for some wedding ceremonies, and yet not hinder others at all. We apologize to those we cannot accommodate and congratulate those who can plan a picture-perfect wedding ceremony here on the Lighthouse grounds.
Things to Know About Planning Your Lighthouse Wedding

Lighthouse Wedding Location
Wedding ceremony events up to one hour in duration may be performed at the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse. Ceremonies take place in a designated open grassy area in view of the tower during regular hours of operation. This location has been selected to provide the wedding party and their guests with the maximum amount of semi-privacy and seclusion possible. Without exception, the lighthouse, exhibits, and historic buildings will remain open to the general public at the time of the ceremony. After the ceremony, photographs may be taken throughout the grounds with the understanding that the public may not be prevented from the use of any museum location, or asked to step aside in order for photographs to be taken.
Wedding Ceremony Cost
The cost to have a wedding ceremony at the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse includes a non-refundable $750 donation. This fee covers the use of the designated ceremony area for up to one hour, event seating set-up, and admission for all event attendees including members of the wedding party.
Security Deposit
A mandatory $250 refundable security deposit is required at the time of reservation in the event that the ceremony exceeds the established one-hour time limit. Events exceeding this one-hour time frame will be charged $250 for each additional 30-minute block.
Wedding Event Times
All wedding ceremonies at the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse must be scheduled during the museum’s normal hours of operation without exception. Evening ceremonies should be scheduled to ensure they are completed at least one hour prior to the museum’s posted closing time.
Lighthouse Museum Hours of Operation
Fall, Winter, and Spring Hours of Operation
(Day after Labor Day through Day before Memorial Day)
10:00 am to 6:00 pm (last admission at 5:00)
Summer Hours of Operation
(Memorial Day through Labor Day)
10:00 am to 9:00 pm (last admission at 8:00)
Lighthouse Wedding Rain Policy
In the event of rain, the ceremony may be rescheduled. A rain date should be planned to confirm availability; and also a rain plan in the event of heavy rain or thunderstorms if rescheduling is not an option.
Wedding Ceremony Attendance
Wedding ceremony attendance is limited to 50 people including all members of the wedding party. Special exceptions may be considered in the event that the number of desired guests exceeds the maximum allowable number.
Wedding Ceremony Rules and Regulations
Because of its National Historic Landmark Designation, it is asked of all wedding parties to please respect the pristine condition and integrity of the Lighthouse grounds, and to adhere to certain terms and conditions as follows:
- No large structures, decorations, backpacks, water bottles, beverages or food permitted. No smoking or alcohol on the grounds. No confetti, birdseed, rice, or other materials can be thrown on the grounds.
- Music is allowed appropriate to the event and the Lighthouse grounds and is subject to review of the Ponce Inlet Preservation Association.
- Staff reserves the right to inspect any packages, equipment or bags brought onto the Lighthouse grounds.
- The applicant will be liable for any cost incurred as a result of damage to the Historic Site by any guest, or wedding party member.
- Guest admissions must be paid prior to the day of the ceremony.
- Guests, excluding the wedding party, may be required to wear wrist bands.
Contact Information
Individuals wishing to learn more about scheduling a wedding at the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse are encouraged to contact the museum via email at rsvp@ponceinlet.org or by phone at (386) 761-1821, ext 10.
You may also download a lighthouse wedding information packet and registration form by selecting the link below.